Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thank You


Another one of my shortish blogs. (I reserve all the words for speech). I want to say thank you for running such a successful course.

Very much appreciated.

Champagne Blush

Social Networking in the Library

A few ideas of ways that web 2 applications could be used in our library.

*Podcasts of Events/Speakers which are held at the library. e.g. Margaret Whitlam.
*We are currently trialling a blog for HSC students.
*You Tube type videos could be used to promote things like storytime etc. on the widescreens around the building.
* We are already using the 'yourtutor' service where students interact online with tutors using 2 screens, 1 chat-like and the other to draw examples.

There are so many options available.

To Do Lists

The to do lists site that is included in Slideshare is just great. I don't think I'll forget any of those birthdays/anniversaries/shopping lists again. Great!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Online Applications & Tools

Google Docs is good. You could have documents checked and approved by others pre-publishing without having to circulate and duplicate the same document.

I have learned so much directly (and indirectly) through the last weeks. Even your survey (Survey Monkey) was handy. I have been trying to build forms and trying to figure out backend codes for so long. I played around with Survey Monkey and it is so easy. I put a little test survey as a pop up on the library page to see if it worked. Within fifteen minutes I had 5 replies. Even though it was clearly a 'test' page!
This is going to be so invaluable in the library.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Big huge labs is neat isn't it? I decided to put a big huge frame around my favourite man.

As you can see, I tend to do my own thing first.

I can also see that I can put photos etc up on Google maps, and then incorporate them into my own blog, webpage. etc. It would save page size, loading times etc.

From a library point of view, this would be a great link to have because addresses and photos could be incorporated into events etc. on the webpage.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Yep, I can see a use here too. I intend to regularly download onto the mp3 for my morning constitutional. I think I will start with the ABC.

I'm being dragged into the world of technology and enjoying it.

At the moment the staff that are doing this course are on a big learning curve, so we are all still thinking about what we are learning. Our HSC team is putting together a blog to see how much interaction we will have from the kids, and the results will be interesting. I think that audiopods could have a number of uses in the library. Even training.

Answer Boards

I have to admit that I do not know whether I personally would make a great deal of use of these, but I can see that the concept would appeal to young people.

(Thinking about it later) Perhaps the Taste website could appeal to me.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Yes, I am now looking at the LibraryThing.

I have set up my personal library and you can see the link and examples on the left side of my page. Of course it is (was) a secret that I am a Harry Potter fan and now I have outed myself.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

OK, I have read about this and I am impressed with the personal and professional uses that it can be put to. Have set up the account and I will start to import my personal favourite links.

Did I say that I am bit of a genealogy freak (sorry), so these links will probably be in the minority. If there are more likeminded freaks out there they are welcome to browse, but I think that my fans will be a bit thin on the ground.

The address is Ooh aren't I clever, it worked!

Monday, April 7, 2008

You Tube Week

You know, I really haven't bothered with this one either, but it is enjoyable too. And it was just so easy to embed a video into my blog. This could lead to all kinds of things.

Incidently, I couldn't pass up on this video. I mentioned before that my burmese cat is called Carmen Miranda and I love the way she talks to me. Just like this one. So Cute..... And how smart is that......

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wiki Week

I have finally had time to sit down and start on wiki week.

Wikis can have an important role in getting all kinds of information out there. I really like the idea of the public contributing to a library wiki. This could be anything from book reviews to general subject information. I'm sure this would be appreciated as it can also be seen as an opportunity to learn about new technologies as well.

The Best Practices wiki is a great idea for librarians. Why learn by trial and error when someone else has already worked out a problem?

I am enjoying this.

Monday, March 10, 2008

RSS Week

I hope I've understood your instructions for the RSS feeds. I haven't paid too much attention to the idea of them until now, but aren't they just the cat's whiskers!

The button below is for the ABS feed, and my account includes an "About Cats" feed.This is no surprise to those who know me, or those who have heard Carmen Miranda (3 guesses) in full voice.

From a library point of view, I could see a blog which includes a number of useful feeds. Perhaps the patrons could be persuaded to respond if they can find the latest news, finance etc. all in the one place.

The account I have set up includes

  • The Powerhouse Museum
  • A Phrase a Week
  • About Cats
  • News
  • Cooking for Engineers
  • Popgadget - Personal Tech for Women
  • The Shifted Librarian

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Yes, I have enjoyed the Web 2.0 experience so far.

I didn't have any problems uploading the pictures of chocolate from Flickr. I saved them to my desktop and uploaded them from there.

Come on RSS feeds, I'm ready for you.

P.S.Does Weight Watchers chocolate custard count?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Flickr Week

Today, I have a conscious.

This morning I watched a story on Channel 9's Sunday program about the Cocoa industry in West Africa. The confectionery industry pays very little to the plantation owners for their cocoa, so the children are expected to collect the cocoa bean instead of going to school. How very sad.

I have decided not to buy chocolate again! I understand that it is a sacrifice but we all must do our bit.

And I'm sure that I only have to look at pictures of chocolate for the strongest cravings to be satisfied.

And along the way I may even succeed in helping myself - and not necessarily to other people's chocolate.
Watch this space.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blog Week

I'm sitting at home waiting for my car to be fixed -I'm sure it's not my fault that it's broken.

I'm thinking ok, I can do this and guess what? I can and I am. It hasn't taken too long to get this far (although it takes less time to put water in the radiator).

What else am I thinking about? I'm thinking that I just might enjoy taking part in this. Today I have also downloaded Skype and now I can talk to all my Skype friends free of charge. Well, I don't actually have any Skype friends yet, but then I don't have a headset and mike either (must put it on the list).

Will you be my friend? Just download Skype

Yes, I think I may enjoy this.